Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pastor Matt’s Thoughts Feb. 2013

John 3:16


This Thursday is February 14, Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget that special person with a card, flowers, candy, dinner or jewelry. God gave us a much costlier gift to prove His love for us. A young believer asked his pastor, “ I am having problems in my Christian walk. I have been saved for two years and somehow I don’t feel the same as when I first got saved. I find myself relying on what other people  tell me and not enough on the Word of God. What’s wrong with me?”

The pastor responded, “Never let your emotions be your spiritual thermostat, always keep going with what you know is right and above all stay in God’s Word.” Calvary, I truly think at times we all feel the same way (emotional roller coaster) as the young believer. Let me share what with you some spiritual and practical truths.


1) Faith, not feelings-helps to keep us in love with God. Eph. 2:8- “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. “ It is through faith in the Word of God, faith in Jesus Christ and by His grace we are saved.

If our feelings were connected to our salvation, probably many of us would not feel saved much of the time.


2) Faithfulness to the Word of God- helps keep us in God’s love. Reading God’s Word daily can only build our faith (Romans 10:17).Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.


3) Faithfulness in our prayer life.-Paul tells us to “Pray without ceasing and pray always in everything. “Faithful prayer life will keep us in love with God. Also, attending church services on a regular basis will help. (Heb. 10:25) Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Sadly, but sometimes we not only forget to love those special ones here on earth but we also forget our love for God. (for many reasons). There are consequences that can happen Spiritually and here on earth when we do forget. (Rev. 24:5).


Don’t be that one that remembers at the last moment Thursday is Valentine’s Day and end up with a lot of explaining to do. My advice after you read this go out and buy something nice! Make dinner arrangements! (Not at Wendy’s), get a babysitter now! The reward is better than the consequence. For us as believers we need to stay faithful to God and keep falling in love with Him each day. Great things are about to happen here at Calvary and for you as well. Let’s begin to pray for God’s renewal in our lives and serve Him and each other daily.

Pastor Matt